Yes, another rape case, since the last one was reported, let's see, ah... oh yes... a month ago ????
So readers, what's new, rape cases aren't the big thing... they just keep happening in our country...
Well it's a pretty common crime actually... you see, all Indian men, feel they have a natural obligation to condemn, judge and violate a female....
Don't you agree, ok, let's speak stats then...
One woman in India suffers sexual molestation in the form of rape or sexual abuse every 22 minutes... isn't that like wow...!!!
There have been 24,206 reported rape cases in 2011, according to the National Crime Records.
The actual number of rape cases is five times than that of those reported, because most of the cases that take place go unreported.
There has been an increase of 792 percent in rape cases in India, over the last two decades.
Yiiiipppeeee people, what if we can't top in any other fields like health, sanitation, education, sports... we do top in rape cases...
Every time a rape takes place in India, people get outraged, some go out on a candle light vigil, some write on Facebook walls, others like me, vent out their anger on personal blogs...
Media channels vie each other on anti rape propaganda, and politicians get a chance to pay "holier than thou" visits to the rape victims and their families....
And then when some of these unfortunate women die, oh yes, our Government doles out payments to their family members as compensation for living in a near barbaric society....
And then after the two weeks' hullabaloo, everything quietens down, until another rape case happens and we are again re-awakened to the semi barbaric society that we live in...
This blog is an ardent appeal to men : Father, Brothers, Husbands, Boyfriends... whoever you are, please, please respect women...
Not just your wives, or mothers, or sisters or your girlfriends, but that woman you see down the road... yes, she looks hot, but she doesn't want to get raped... yes that lady in the bus, yes she does have a cheeky buttock, but she doesn't want it to be pinched... yes, that chick in hot pants.... she doesn't like being wolf whistled...
Only our men, when they know and respect the fact, that a woman is just not a "pair of boobs"... or a "measurement"... or a "toy", can the rape cases come down...
Woman, be brave, don't be afraid to slap that fellow in the bus who's looking at what he shouldn't be looking at...
Don't be scared of crying out aloud, when you feel an elbow nudging in your rib cage...
Don't be afraid to carry a pepper pellet... and please feel free to use it...
This is your country too, don't forget that you are far more stronger than the man who leers at you...
To every Indian men, who leer and lech at every attractive girl, in every city of India, big, or small, you guys are cowards, big, sad, cowards...
And to every Indian female, who suffer their stares silently, alas you are bigger cowards...
Rapes in India will keep increasing, will keep happening, perhaps, that's what Indian women deserves because sadly they were born in India...
Ya... unless and until women realize that, even she needs to be strong, all the guys will act like this. I can at least try, to be strong and defend myself. Will you?????
Most Indian males suffer from an extreme version of Madonna-whore complex. It's a psychological condition which permits them to objectify unrelated stranger females. Therefore, they fail to give them the basic respect they all deserve as human beings (let alone for their gender).
Growing up during my college days and even for a few years at work, I inadvertently found myself surrounded by people who like to trash any attractive female (or even non-attractive ones) as public property. Anyone who's not anyone's sister, wife or female relative is considered fair game. It's a real sick mindset but the disease is far widespread than what one could imagine. It's generally peer groups that encourage such unhealthy thoughts and ideas. The argument goes that "boys will be boys". I disagree, I knew some boys from an Army background and they never participated in these sick discussions.
It all boils down to upbringing. If a boy grew up in a household where he saw his father beating and abusing his mother and his sister being treated in an inferior way, he would grow up with the beliefs that he's to somehow feel superior or better to all females. Even though such adult males would feign respect for their female co-workers, friends and casual acquaintances, deep down he feels the need to dominate his wife and children and treat them however they please.
It's a sick mentality that pervades most parts of India and the only way we can bring out a social change is keeping the plot alive; let's not allow it to die out so casually.
Absolutely, I totally agree with Sayak... amazing point of view, I did not know about this Madonna- Whore complex... but its absolutely true...
it is sad to find that women the world over are still suffering 'Rape'. It happens here too, (in England.) It's the old story, 'She was asking for it, I mean to say dressing like that, The way she was smiling, looking, talking etc, any number of excuses. Like you say, it's down to the men to change for them to repect all women whoever they are. It is a matter of them to control their animal behaviour and like upon other women as their mother, sister, aunt etc until such times as these women become their wives etc.
They should learn 'No' is 'No'.
Your blog is brilliant and very interesting thank you for sharing.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
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