So, after what seems like ages, I am back doing what I love most...yyeess... blogging... well, things have undergone a sea change since I wrote my last post, for eg, I have lost my "happily single" status and have henceforth jumped into the versatile group of "newly weds"... another eg, till the date of my last post, I was a living, breathing proud resident of Kolkata, India, and now I am a living, breathing, I don't know if I am proud... resident of Overland Park, Kansas, USA... also till the last post, I held a respectful employment, now I am just unemployed, but of course not jobless... this transition from a highly independent single woman, to a much married "desi" house-wife.. well so far has not been tedious as many of my friends from the former category would see...
I think somewhere in every woman's psyche,there is an inherent nurturing instinct.I always thought of myself as someone, who would never settle down, infact in my college days, I actually sniggered upon those who tied the knot, but now having been here and done that.. I see it's not that bad...as a single, independent woman, who was singing paeans of feminism and liberty, I was myself quite shocked at the transition... I really never thought I would manage a household, let alone a husband, cook, clean, wash,do the laundary and be so selfless as to think about someone else's wardrobe, who isn't my little brother, before mine, would be so easy... Nowadays I am actually rising up at 6:45 am, just to give the man, who I lovingly call my "husband" breakfast... oh boy.. have I changed...!!!
So ok, from here on, I am gonna jot down some helpful, some helpless and some utterly moronic incidents, tips, advises, about being a "desi" house-wife.. I know it isn't the most interesting post to read about, nor is it going to be enlightening, but who knows, some woman who believed in fem-lib, earlier, and who has descended from the high life to making breakfast with sleepy eyes, might find useful...
So, here's a toast to every new age "desi" house-wife, who I think is the true embodiment of everything that's feminine, and no, I still haven't given up on shopping and bitching about... whoa girls..!!! see you around...
Thats brutally nice Rinki. Cheers
That is really great description of a transition that we all unknowingly went through. Great keep writing.
Great description of a transition we all went through and somehow somewhere we fell in love with the role we played as a wife, mother and often times great friends. You may or may not feel proud to be a Kansan but we are proud to have you. Keep writing.
but did you not choose such a life?
Yes I did choose such, and I am not regretting it... I am just talking about the transition here... that's all... it's definitely very different..!! :)
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