Are there times when you feel you don't know yourself?
Thoughts and actions chasing your mind surprises you intensely?
When the world becomes a confused haze and you are trying to find a place...
That's the time you meet your "new self"
It angers you, chides you, bullies you and again falls in love with you...
You wonder who the real "you" are?
Is it the one you know or is it the one who peeps in
at times and hides away swiftly?
Till there comes a time when you feel;
you know yourself well enough...
There comes a foreboding security
of knowing oneself too well,
And then you wish
you didn't know yourself at all...
At such times You are really surprised by a different You..all these bring you to terms with the Real YOU :)
I think every adult human being, at some point of time in his/her life, has felt the need to indulge in self-discovery. It's a creative process which makes us travel deep and deeper inside our own souls, unravelling things that we never knew existed. You start unlocking your own precious little secrets, squaring up with lifelong held phobias, trying to make sense of every little thing happenning to you and your surroundings. You also gain keener insights into human behaviour. I think circumstances also play a key role in initiating this process of self-discovery; they force you to step out of your comfort zone and deal with realities under the surface. However, people who possess what I call a "herd mentality" ignore such a key development in their lives; usually afraid of their own shadows they'd rather not face ugly truths about themselves. Learning to confront your own fears eventually makes you a stronger, determined and moralistic person. Let's take an example of Gandhi. For him, the turning moment in life came when he was thrown out of the First-class compartment of a train in South Africa. For him, it was not just expressing shock and disbelief in being at the receiving end of racial prejudice, he wanted to understand where exactly he and his countrymen stood in the pecking order of things. Thus, began a lifelong struggle which shaped Gandhi's personality and core values. On a lighter vein, to complement your beautiful poem you might enjoy listening to Madonna's Jump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYQgGrJtRgQ
Problem is I always feel I don't know myself :)
Loved Sayak's comment,thank you...and yes thanks to Sourav and Aiman for being generous enough to comment and to all who read and connected with the poem in some way,I do feel life is an ongoing process of discovery of ourselves,and in turn we keep surprising ourselves continuously. Most importantly these discoveries happen quite automatically or through some life changing experience as pointed out by Sayak in Gandhiji's case,but happen they do,in all of our lives.People who do not value these discoveries are lonely creatures indeed...
Thanks for your beautiful comment on my blog..and I think that instead of we being "rung lower"..we are "a strata upper layer" as we through words create a different world..and try to change the world through our thoughts..
Your Blog is a brilliant..just spellbound..moreover ..yes The Other You is so so real..it happens to me many times..and I am still in search of identity..this is what may be we..a poet and poetry all about..
thanks for visiting my blog..wd love to c ur comment on my future posts in the blogs too..it's great to meet another poet..within a theme called words..
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