Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Island

There is a lonely isle...
Set apart,
In the midst of the sea
Where the birds rest awhile,
On their long flight
To the south
They rest a night
Then take wing and depart
To the southern seas...

I am an island set apart
In the midst of the sea...
and a bird from the mainland
Rested on me...


Sugar said...

I feel like Columbus after having discovered this unknown island :)

Tuhin said...

After reading, I can feel what you feel ... nice depth. Keep it up. Please keep the pen rolling...

vivek said...

nice!!!!....argetina certinky did have a hold on u..haha....jokes apart, its a good one, birdy!!!

Reflection muses...

Language is the basis for recapturing experience...

- Cyhthia Selfae