Friday, December 25, 2009

The Sprit of Christmas..

Merry Christmas to one and all.. :) the Christmas is here and finally the time for bringing out all the gifts we bought for each other..time for cakes and cookies, get togathers and merry short time to have the 'time of the Year'... so i guess... all of u must have bought stuff for someone or the other...and may have received some in return... some were stuff that u had been hoping to get for many days and some that are pretty useless... only you don't throw them away because they are gifts and you can usually gift them to others later on....
The one thing going on in my mind is what's the best gift one can gift to someone... something they love??? something they have been eyeing for a long time??? something you know they'll appreciate...or simply something that fits into your budget... i know most of us choose a gift keeping all the above factors in mind... i would like to pose a question gifting a 'thing'...something tangible... really important..can't we give something more intangible like maybe our prayers...??? of course most of us aren't really sincere when it comes to praying for others.. it may not be intentional at all... just something we may forget to do..quite natural and humane... But this Christmas..i have resolved to do something..pray for 3 people..who need my prayers..ofcourse people who i know that is mostly my frends..3 frends who i know are in need of something, i have resolved to pray for them..and of course without their knowledge..just pray unselffishly..till 31st December...let's see if i can do it... u guys can try it out... Merry Christmas... Joys be to all.. :)

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