Friday, April 9, 2010


The Distance between inertia and "beginning" is so vast, that upon contemplation, it appears too large to cross.

When we do begin, we make discoveries,
We discover Strengths,
and hopes, dreams not yet lived...
beloved hiding places and
Parts of ourselves....
It's so much easier NOT to begin... what if we begun a dream... and it didn't work???...or we were no good at it, or it didn't satisfy us the way we always imagined...???
We can begin Over and over and over, as many times as we want or need to. We can begin to change our beliefs and the ways we categorize ourselves... "oh I've never been a good ....................."
I m GOING to BEGIN to be:
A person who tries many new things...
A person who is Sometimes irritated...
A person who explores new tastes...
A person who travels lightly...
A person who IS...
and i'll continue to add new beginnings to this list...

Reflection muses...

Language is the basis for recapturing experience...

- Cyhthia Selfae